Amateur Radio Station VK4SN - Shack and Antenna Layout

Updated 14 Feb 2025

My Shack and antenna system in 2025

Top Pic: The Radios are connected to a computer with an i7 3GHz CPU, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA Geforce GT-710 graphics card supporting 4 x HDMI monitors, Windows 10 Pro (64bit).

A YCCC SO2R Box allows one mic, one footswitch, one headset for the two radios. The SO2R box in conjunction with N1MM software, automatically selects the correct antennas via home made band decoder switches (Using Unified Microsystems boards) and Array Solutions Six Pak antenna switches. (See technical info elsewhere)

Dedicated stubs off the 6 Pack provide up to 60db of separation between radios and even more with Dunestar Filters between radio and amplifier.

I use N1MM logger for contest logging, MMVARI, MTTY, FLdigi, SSTV. While contesting, the 2nd rig (FT2000) uses an SDRPlay to provide live spectrum taken from the antenna in use via a MFJ-1708 SDR isolator.

Antenna selections available are, TH6DXX Dedicated to 20m, 4 and 3 element stacked 21MHz beams, 5 and 3 element stacked 10mtr beams, a home made 80m vertical, an 'L' shaped 1/4 wave 160m vertical with the feed point 2 meters above the ground with 3 radials, a 40m 4 Square phased array, Two Loops - one for 3.5MHz and one for 1.8MHz. Two 90 meter long beverage antennas, one for USA and one for Europe. A stack match allows me to connect any two antennas together, depending on the contest frequencies etc.

Left Pic: The 80/40mtr Vertical is in the foreground, with tower and TH6DXX and 8ele 2mtr beam on top.

My home brew Multi-Rig CW Keyer
4 Inputs - N1MM COM port keyer, CT Log LPT1 keyer, straight key, and paddle with built in iambic keyer. Keys up to 3 rigs.
John, VK4CEJ and myself securing beams in place. TH6DXX & 8 element 2mtr.
My shack schematic diagram
Stack match with coax filters installed. Just add antennas ;-)

My Antenna Layout
