Yaesu FT-857D


Contents of this page:

Updated 12/2/2025

  1. CPU/Memory Resets
  2. Pin Outs
  3. Replacing the screen
  4. Shared Microphone socket with COM port
  5. Interface Unit
  6. Mic Pin outs
  7. RS232 Interface
  8. FT857 Squelch failure fix. New info by UN7GDR 10 Feb 2016)
  9. Tech Menu Settings


Hold down these buttons while turning the power on...

  • V/M - Resets all memories and following menu settings to the factory default. Menu 6, 33, 52, 56, 76, 82, 83
  • FUNC - Reset all menu settings to default, except for Menu 6,33, 52,56,76,82, 83
  • HOME - CPU Master reset for all memories and menu settings.
  • FUNC + V/M - Master reset after MARS Mod.


Replacing the FT-857D Screen.

Purchase the Full Pixels replacement screen off ebay.

Follow youtube videos for replacement method.

Full pixel screen.

Display before replacement

The replaced screen

Shared Microphone Socket with COM port.

Set menu 20 to CAT/LIN/TUN as required, and set menu 59 to CAT for mic jack use.

Do not use the up/down microphone buttons as they are used for the COM port.

My home brew microphone/COM port adapter using 2 x Keystone jacks and mini din socket.

Tuner connected to the rear port and external display on mic com port.
NOTE: When using the mic COM port to connect to a PC, the COM port RS232 interface (as below) is still needed.

The Circuit Diagram


I wanted the flexibility to switch PC's, head phones, morse keys, etc. The project was built using readily available parts. I used a circuit from the AR mag for the sound interface and a simple RS232 interface for CAT control. I also wanted to have the ability to use headphones and headset microphone as well as the hand mic. A CW key input, switching between sound card and TNC was a must as well. Also added was as 1200/9600 baud change and Tune switch and SWR/SIG meter on the front panel. The mic input is switchable between the hand mic socket and the headset socket. When the mic is switched to headset, the controls on the mic are still usable.

Please excuse the poor photos as the phone camera is not the best. hihi.

Other Information

Pin Function RJ45

  1. Down
  2. Up
  3. +5v
  4. Ground (Mic)
  5. Mic
  6. PTT
  7. Ground (Control)
  8. Fast

The RS232 Interface I used.

RS232 Communications Cable needed if above circuit is put in a separate box is a pin for pin type. ie. pin 1 to 1, 2 to 2, 3 to 3, through to 9 to 9 etc.

If you are making the cable, minimum would be: Pin 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7, 8-8

Squelch Failure on VHF/UHF

If you have squelch turned on and no sound is heard until the knob is turned anti-clockwise thereby disabling it, then the following may fix the problem.


Searching the internet found only one other person experiencing the same problem. After a few email exchanges, it was found that we both were using HF with tuners prior to the squelch fault.  I was using the FC-30 ATU, and Dennis N8BMB was using a manual tuner. (And, now (Oct 2010) I have received an email from G3ZQI with the problem, including other settings that has changed like mine did.)  Is it possibly RF associated with high VSWR while tuning up? If so, then maybe a component has changed value resulting in the final menu value of almost 90 units away from the default CPU value in menu 13 (for example). I'm not sure, but the problem was not fixed by resetting memories or the CPU.

ALSO - You may find that the signal strength on HF is reading incorrectly and the VSWR is also a little out of wack.  After fixing the squelch problem, I had to redo all the technical menu settings. For example, setting a S9 reading on the display. Luckily I had another fully working unit I was able to use as a bench mark.


BY Egor, UN7GDR IS BELOW. (NEW 10/2/2016)

The Fix - by the book

You will need a VHF Signal Generator. (or read below how I did it)

  1. Tune the radio to the 144MHz band and turn off the radio.
  2. Access the tech menu by holding in A, B and C buttons while turning on  the radio with the squelch turned fully counter-clockwise.
  3. Inject an RF signal from the sig gen at -15dBu output, with  +/-3.5kHz  deviation FM Modulation of a 1 kHz tone.
  4. Select menu item "13:FM-TH1" and press the A key.
  5. Select menu item "14:FM-TH2" and press the A key.
  6. Increase the sig gen output level to 0dBu.
  7. Select menu item "15:FM-TI1" and press the A key.
  8. Select menu item "16:FM-TI2" and press the A key.
  9. Hold the function key in long enough to accept the new data.

Here is what I had to do.

I don't have a signal generator so I improvised with a hand held and a dummy load.

I pressed the A key for menu 13 and 14 while on low power and whistling into the mic and pressed the A key for menu 15 and 16 while on high power. This did not work, although values were entered about 80 higher than the original value.

WHAT DID WORK was to put the squelch knob up at about 3/4 clockwise and did the same and now I can actually use the squelch quite successfully on all modes / bands.

Menu Number Orig Value New Value
13 90 178
14 95 179
15 4 170
16 4 170

I have since used a signal generator to improve settings, but they remain the same.

Many thanks go to Egor, UN7GDR for the following information...
Egor said, I solved the problem and send you pictures. The problem is on the board MAIN-unit, the side B, see pictures. After repair, I put all the values (service menu) in the factory, is now the radio works fine. You have a web site, you can give this information to all people.

Service Menus for my FT857D in the Car and in the Shack

Note: Menus 13,14,15 and 16 were changed on the Car radio to bring it back to life after the squelch failure on 2m / 70cm.

Menu Content Description Remarks Car Shack
001 HF1RXG CW 1.825,07 The higher, the more sensitive the RX is 200 203
002 HF2RXG CW 7.043,55 107 98
003 HF3RXG CW 21.070,00 198 214
004 50MRXG CW 50.095,00 131 148
005 VHFRXG CW 145.375,00 149 218
006 UHFRXG CW 433.425,00 90 128
007 SSB-S9 CW 21.070,00 The higher, the more shown level 61 85
008 SSB-FS CW 21.070,00 191 54
009 FM-S1 FM 145.375,00 60 = S0
The higher, the higher the S-value is
71 73
010 FM-FS FM 145.375,00 99 103
011 DISC-L FM 145.375,00 Press "A" at test signal given "-3kHz" and "+3kHz" 53 49
012 DISC-H FM 145.375,00 80 75
013 FM-TH1 FM 145.375,00 open/close level
without RX signal
(Threshold / Hysteresis)
175 97
014 FM-TH2 FM 145.375,00 175 92
015 FM-TI1 FM 145.375,00 on RX signal of 3 dBµ
(Tight = Enge)
170 5
016 FM-TI2 FM 145.375,00 170 5
017 VCC   at Ub=13,8V 138 138
018 HF1-IC CW 1.825,07 the lower, the more sensitive the protection is 92 101
019 HF2-IC CW 7.043,55 84 94
020 HF3-IC CW 21.070,00 98 121
021 50M-IC CW 50.095,00 125 165
022 VHF-IC CW 145.375,00 75 81
023 UHF-IC CW 433.425,00 75 81
024 HF1-MAX CW 1.825,07 100W 172 171
025 HF1-MID2 CW 1.825,07 50W 111 111
026 HF1-MID1 CW 1.825,07 10W 33 33
027 HF1-MIN CW 1.825,07 5W 14 15
028 HF2-MAX CW 7.043,55 100W 172 172
029 HF2-MID2 CW 7.043,55 50W 109 110
030 HF2-MID1 CW 7.043,55 10W 31 31
031 HF2-MIN CW 7.043,55 5W 13 14
032 HF3-MAX CW 21.070,00 100W 171 172
033 HF3-MID2 CW 21.070,00 50W 110 110
034 HF3-MID1 CW 21.070,00 10W 31 31
035 HF3-MIN CW 21.070,00 5W 13 14
036 50M-MAX CW 50.095,00 100W 158 160
037 50M-MID2 CW 50.095,00 50W 101 102
038 50M-MID1 CW 50.095,00 10W 51 51
039 50M-MIN CW 50.095,00 5W 11 12
040 VHF-PO-MAX CW 145.375,00 50W 91 93
041 VHF-PO-MID2 CW 145.375,00 20W 44 45
042 VHF-PO-MIN CW 145.375,00 5W 7 8
043 UHF-PO-MAX CW 433.425,00 20W 123 120
044 UHF-PO-MIN CW 433.425,00 5W 15 16
045 HF1-TXG USB 1.825,47 the higher, the higher the TX amplification of driver is (alignment that 5 W FM come out for sure) 45 64
046 HF2-TXG USB 7.043,55 48 43
047 HF3-TXG USB 21.070,00 49 55
048 50MTXG USB 50.095,00 30 31
049 VHFTXG USB 145.375,00 39 35
050 UHFTXG USB 433.425,00 62 55
051 ALC1-M USB 21.070,00 measured: 180
-> value + 4 dots
245 246
052 ALC-M USB 21.070,00   115 110
053 HF1-REV-ALC CW 1.825,07 the lower, the more sensitive protection and reduction of output power 65 73
054 HF2-REV-ALC CW 7.043,55 56 64
055 HF3-REV-ALC CW 21.070,00 56 61
056 50M-REV-ALC CW 50.095,00 44 53
057 VHF-REV-ALC CW 145.375,00 74 50
058 UHF-REV-ALC CW 433.425,00 148 131
059 CW-CAR-LEVEL CW 21.070,00   152 142
060 AM-CAR-LEVEL AM 21.070,00 the lower the higher modulation level 141 130
061 DEV-W FM 145.375,00 deviation = 5 kHz 221 214
062 DEV-N FMN 145.375,00 deviation = 2.5 kHz 113 110
063 MOD-MTR FM 145.375,00 the lower, the more meter level 201 204
064 DTMF-DEV FM 145.375,00 the higher, the more deviation 40 43
065 CTCSS-DEV FM 145.375,00 the higher, the more deviation 230 230
066 DCS-DEV FM 145.375,00 the higher, the more
168 168
067 LSB-CAR-POINT LSB 21.070,00   0 -10
068 USB-CAR-POINT USB 21.070,00   2 -7
069 VSWR2 at 10W CW 14.070,00   14 20
070 VSWR3 at 10W CW 14.070,00   38 45
071 ATAS-TEST LSB 14.070,00      
072 AMTR-TEST LSB 14.070,00      
073 HTEMP-Threshold LSB 14.070,00   38 38
074 FTEMP-Threshold LSB 14.070,00   102 102